Technical Overview
Location: Queensbury Bradford W. Yorkshire
NGR: SE092307 Locator: IO93BS Height: 360M ASL
Receive: 1249 MHz Transmit: 1316 MHz
Rx Antenna: Alford Slot at 23M AGL
Tx Antenna: Alford Slot at 20M AGL
Polarization: Horizontal, Coverage: Omni directional
Tx Power: 14dBW EIRP Sound Sub-Carrier: 6MHz

Controlling logic:
- On receipt of a valid video signal the repeater enters “Repeat” mode.
- At the end of an over the logic sends a morse code “K” on the sound subcarrier and displays a flashing “K” in vision as an invitation to transmit.
- If a valid video signal is not detected within 30 seconds the repeater reverts to beacon mode.
- When not in use the repeater is in “beacon mode” where it radiates a series of teletext-style text and graphics pages – examples of which can be seen HERE. The repeater callsign is sent in morse on the sound subcarrier every five minutes while in beacon mode.

A low-level CTCSS tone of 82.5Hz (RSGB tone “D”) is added to the through audio when the repeater is in “repeat mode”. This can be used to control an “activity alarm” if you don’t want to miss that rare DX station! For details of suitable circuits contact Allan G3TQA.