South Yorkshire ATV Repeater Group

Initial meeting

The formation of the Group took place on 4th June 2023 when any interested ATVers were invited to take part in a WhatsApp group call. There was sufficient interest in starting a Group to support the GB3YT repeater, so three officers were elected to administer the Group.


Gary M1EGI – Chairman

Steph (M1EGI YL) – Treasurer

Clive G3GJA – Secretary & webmaster

NoV holder – Ken G8VDP


The Group has been formed with the intention of relocating, repairing and maintaining the GB3YT television repeater as a service available to amateurs interested in television that will encourage and promote the use of amateur television in the area..


A constitution was adopted after the initial meeting by the Secretary and was based on the one used by the East Yorkshire Repeater Group that has been found to be satisfactory for purpose. It can be downloaded from here: