Meeting ‘t Committee

By | 13/01/2025

The Committee Meeting on the 2nd January discussed the progress to date and what the group would like to achieve in 2025. It was decided push ahead and get the NoV changed so that the repeater can be run from Ken G8VDP’s QTH until such time as a better or affordable site becomes available. Ken being on-site will become the NoV holder.

Although Ken won’t be able to see other repeaters on his receiver whilst YT is running he can always use the streams and simplex should be possible with suitable filtering. Thanks to Ken for his kind offer that will allow the project to push on.

2 thoughts on “Meeting ‘t Committee

  1. David Long g3PTU

    Could you rebie the map canase I caanot read it!
    Location South of M62 services in M62 cleckton
    (Corry I have I had a shirke)
    *reby to go, wheit is opne air pleasse.
    From the sopue I can ge the “Leria” (brigany) l repat in france on araactions 144Mhx.
    The 144 & 420 besons en london are altrers there sontine S1 to S8 with a 4 element arnagmen and just pile multiboile. Preant Mos fet aftyer a flter bbecause of Emley moor.

    1. Clive Reynolds

      Hello David
      Sorry to hear about your stroke. I spoke to you a few years ago about receiving GB3EY at Cleckheaton and I ran a path profile for your QTH to EY.
      I’ve kept your details in the path profile program, so I’ve run a prediction for GB3YT to your QTH and sadly, it’s not as good as the path to GB3EY.
      A 16dBi gain antenna and a filtered preamp at 8m AGL would ensure reception of EY at your QTH, but it would be marginal to YT.
      Your QTH is well placed so I’m not surprised that you hear the GB3VHF/GB3UHF beacons. I ran a coverage map for your location and it is very good to the east and south east.
      Kind regards
      Clive G3GJA


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